Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Yesterday i had the MOST detailed scan.. the most nervous day in my life....

this detailed scan will check the baby from head to toe including:
1. check the amount of water in the brain.
2. if the brain is complete..

3. check for any hole in the heart..
4. check if all four chambers in the heart..
5. checking the tummy..
6. enough kidneys..
7. the length of the bones
8. the backbones..
9 baby lip cleft..

...and many more...

i was shaking like hell for this scan because i know i have the risk to all the above factors... i'm a diabetes pregnant lady... *sigh*
the scan took about 1 hour long... and the result was...... SATISFYING...
my baby is 99% healthy!
Alhamdulillah Thank God!
no cleft, no hole in the heart, and so far seems ok...
and the best part is... i get to see the baby smile at me.. and i get to see the baby in 4D version... and yes, it's definitely a GIRL...

As you can see the pic here, this was taken after she smiles... you cant see the eyes tho.. coz its close.

i did get to see her eyes open.. and at that moment.. i just feel like crying... i was so happy..

the doc keep saying either "Good!" or "Excellent!" while checking the baby's heart, body and all...

and erytime he say it.. my smile keeps getting wider and wider... so happy that this baby is Normal...
what an amazing experience!

Cant wait for her to be born..
i feel so blessed.. 2009 is not bad after all...
Here's another two pictures of her...